Program Details



Summer Day Camp
Each summer, children ages 5-13, are accepted first-come, first-serve into a 6-week program, divided into two sessions. Session one is in June for 3 weeks minus a day, we take the week off during the Fourth of July and return for session two for 3 weeks, minus a day. The present capacity is 60 children per week. The Summer Camp program is a fun-filled cognitive program immersing the children in their five senses. Each summer we pick a new theme, where campers can learn more about the amazing world around them. Children can be dropped off as early as 7:30 am and must be picked up by 6 pm. We start our day with breakfast served at 8 am, lunch
is at 11:30, and afternoon snacks are at 3 pm unless it is pool day, then we wait until we get back to the center. The campers will be attending classes at the Lauro G. Deleon
Center like Arts & Crafts, Sport of the week, Game Room, Reading, Home Economics, Science experiments, Drama, Cooking, and other cool things all taught around our theme of the Summer. They will have two free times, in the gym, one after breakfast and one after lunch where they can play what they want. Our registration fees start at $170 for the first week for the first child with consecutive weeks at $125 per week. The second child for the first week will be $120 with consecutive weeks at $100 per week. The third child and any sibling there after will be $110 with consecutive weeks at $90 per week. Payment schedules can be arranged and scholarships are available to those who qualify, by calling our office. We accept cash, checks, or credit cards for payments. This camp is not a licensed Day Care but is in compliance with State of Texas Exemption laws.
To register: Download the sign up form below & email back to